Timor-Leste participates in China Kunshan International Fair for Coffee Industry 2024

Augusto Sarmento - Technology
Editor : Augusto Sarmento
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TIMOR(SHANGHHAI)INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co.,Ltd. CEO: Ms. BEI LEI display coffee from Timor-Leste at the Fair

The China Food Industry Association will host 2024 Kunshan International Coffee Industry Exhibition (COFAIR 2024)in Kunshan City .Jiangsu Province from May 16 to 19.2024.

 The world’s best coffee beans, gathered at this exhibition. With coffee bean display and exchange as the core, COFAIR brings together the value industry chain of “a raw bean to a cup of coffee”, creating a platform connecting the origin of coffee to the Chinese consumer market, and an international community for coffee industry cooperation and exchange.


The exhibition scale of more than 16,000 square meters, from Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Vietnam, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and other coffee production groups and China Taiwan, Yunnan, Hainan, Guangxi, Shanghai, Beijing and other outstanding exhibitors participated in the exhibition.

TIMOR(SHANGHHAI)INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co.,Ltd. CEO: Ms. BEI LEI, invested a lot of money to participate in this exhibition, hired well-known companies to design and produce Timor-Leste booth, Timor-Leste booth has become the most beautiful scenery among many participating countries.

The Timor-Leste booth is located in the most prominent position of the exhibition site, and the exquisite booth design and construction complement each other, and very well enhance the international image of Timor-Leste coffee. The booth is equipped with the most advanced Italian coffee making machine, automatic coffee cup machine, ice machine, British PRO100X small coffee bean roaster, on-site Timor-Leste coffee beans roasting, achieving amazing results, becoming the only exhibitor to roast coffee beans at the exhibition site.

This exhibition has greatly improved the image of Timor-Leste coffee beans in the Chinese market, and has played a good publicity effect. Under the leadership of Ms. BEI LEI, TIMOR(SHANGHHAI)INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co.,Ltd has demonstrated its strength and real efforts in helping Timor-Leste coffee to explore the Chinese market.

Ms. BEI LEI and her husband, whose daughter was born in Timor-Leste, have a deep affection for Timor-Leste, so they are very willing to help Timor-Leste increase the export trade of agricultural products in the Chinese market, increase the income of Timor-Leste coffee farmers, and create greater export trade turnover for the Timor-Leste government.

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